Welcome to St. John’s!

new worship with congregationIMG_0032children praying outsideIMG_0163IMG_0023IMAG0215advent service-xmas tree


Easter Egg prize winnersschool kit signJenn Dormer VBS

St. John’s UMC is located in the heart of the Coal region.  We have a rich tradition rooted in the Evangelical and United Brethren traditions.  In 1968 along with other EUB churches we joined the United Methodist family of churches.  Even since the earliest days, we have been a bright light in the community, reaching out to meet the needs of the least and the lost, celebrating joys and supporting one another in times of trial.  Today, as we face a time of economic crisis, we turn even more to our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ to strengthen and guide us.   We are committed to being faithful to the call to help others, to reach hearts for Christ, and to growing together as God’s people in Coal Township.  From the youngest child to the most mature among us, we are one family of faith.  Our doors, and our hearts, are always open.  Come and be a part of this exciting adventure we call faith!