Children and Youth

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Each summer the children and youth of our community come to St. John’s for fun and for a time to learn about the love of God.  This is Vacation Bible School!  From the smallest pre-schooler who is experiencing VBS for the very first time, to the teenager who returns to help out with VBS, to the adults who work so hard to make this a great event each summer, VBS is a great example of the special place children and youth have in our church community.  Each year the VBS children share in a mission project.  This year school supplies were donated for the United Methodist Committee on Relief School Kits and we assembled over 60 school bags!

Another fun summertime program is our “Kidz Krafts” – kids can come to the nearby playground for fun, free, fabulous crafts and a special story by the Story Lady every Wednesday morning throughout the summer months.  All materials, snacks, and cold bottled water are provided at no charge.  

Jesus loves the little children, and so do we!

Each fall as the school year gears up, that is our cue to gear up for Youth Group!  We kick off the school year with a Backpack Blessing, making sure each child gets off to a great start at school. Every Sunday evening from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. from October through May children and youth of all ages have a place they can come to meet new friends, enjoy fun activities in a safe and caring environment, and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.  The Kool Kids and the Lifesavers make crafts, play games, and learn about Jesus.  Our youth outings include bowling at the Coal Bowl, and our newest addition, the monthly Sunday NIght Family Movie Night. 

Youth mission projects include Operation Christmas Child and Imagine No Malaria – we made pipe-cleaner ‘mosquitos’ and hung them in the Worship Center- the grown-ups had to give us $10 to kill each mosquito and the money is used to purchase insecticide-treated bed nets for families in Africa.  Operation Christmas Child is coordinated by our Youth Fellowship and creates shoe boxes filled with toys and necessities to be sent to bless children all around the world.

As children grow, they grow in their faith journey too.  At. St. John’s preteens join together for Confirmation classes where they learn about faith, about their church, about their role as disciples of Jesus Christ, and about their commmitment as church members.  Each year the Confirmation Class goes on a special weekend away with their leaders for Confirmation Retreat at Pocono Plateau Camp and Retreat Center, where they join other young disciples for a time of learning, growing, and just plain fun!  Community outreach projects, field trips to houses of worship, and a lot of fun make Confirmation something to remember for a lifetime.  

Confirmation Retreat 2012